We seek consensus about the Book of Mormon. Joseph F. Smith wrote, "If you have built for a man a better house than his own, and he is willing to accept yours and forsake his, then, and not till then, should you proceed to tear down the old structure. Rotten though it may be it will require some time for it to lose all its charms and fond memories of its former occupant. Therefore let him, not you, proceed to tear it away. Kindness and courtesy are the primal elements of gentility."
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
If you want to be authentic
Saturday, October 19, 2024
impossible to win an argument...
"It's hard to win an argument against a smart person, but it's impossible to win one against a stupid one."
— Mark Twain
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
reality, not perception
"If I died knowing that I did what was right or did my best to do what was right and even If in the History books They said I did wrong, I would still feel okay about that. I care about the reality of Goodness and not the Perception of it"
-Elon Musk
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Philosophy for creativity
reposted from my Art and Artists blog:
He's a music producer who's worked with Jay-Z, Kanye & Lady Gaga.
He doesn't know anything about music & made $300M. His philosophy for creativity is why artists come to him.
Here's the philosophy:

• Being an expert is overrated
• Creative people are great at the intangible
• Theory/education often drowns out the art
Being creative doesn't mean being productive or talented.
• Take off your safety pants
• Let people disagree with you
• The haters help your work go viral
If everyone agrees with you, what you've created is sh*t.
It doesn't matter if it’s picking out clothes, or working on a song, or making dinner. It’s all about how it feels and how it resonates."
• We're all creative even if we don't think we are
• Art is making people feel something
The first draft needs to happen.
Move your ego out of the way.
Let it flow out of you.
Finished work beats a folder full of drafts that make you an amateur.
• Much of creativity is just confidence
• If you believe it's good others will. Convince yourself first.
• Creativity is subjective. Hit publish & let the world decide.
• For true creativity to exist you must remove all the filler no killer stuff in the way
• Rarely is there not enough. Often there's too much.
Masterpieces are simple & have fewer layers.
It is not difficult to access. Creativity is a fundamental aspect of being human. It’s our birthright. And it’s for all of us”
• We're born creative
• Corporations & society beat the creativity out of us
Make creativity a habit to get it back
The creative journey leads nowhere if you're looking for overnight success
• Slow down
• Put in the work
• Daily flow states
• Chase obsession
• Morons make things complicated
• Creative people talk simple because that's how movements are built
If it sounds smart it's bullsh*t or it comes from a McKinsey consultant.
• What you think you know is a distraction
• True creativity is humility. It's knowing you know nothing
• Creativity doesn't follow a plan/strategy. It's chaos, madness & insanity all in one.
• No one knows if your creative output is good
• Stop trying to be a fortune-teller
The best reactions to your work are unexpected.
Creativity is full of mistakes.
That's why perfect people are uncreative.
True art is full of flaws & the flaws make the art better not worse.
Humanity breathes in the mistakes."
• Humans are imperfect, so imperfect art feels more human & that's why it resonates more
Go write something full of typos.
Instead, focus on what you want to create"
Creating a legacy is stupid
Why focus on what your life will be like when you're dead?
What's fulfilling is creative work done today. What happens to that work when you're dead is none of your business.